Source: Norwegian Offshore Directorate
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Fram is a field in the northern part of the North Sea, 20 kilometres north of the Troll field. The water depth is 350 metres. Fram was discovered in 1990 and comprises two main structures, Fram Vest and Fram Øst, with several deposits. The plan for development and operation (PDO) for Fram Vest was approved in 2001 and for Fram Øst in 2005. The production started in 2003 and 2006, respectively. Both structures are developed with two subsea templates each, tied-back to the Troll C platform. A PDO exemption for Fram C-Øst was approved in 2016; the development included a long oil producer drilled from the B2-template on Fram Øst. Another PDO exemption was granted in 2018 for two wells in the Fram-Øst Brent reservoir, drilled from one of the existing templates on Fram Øst. Both Byrding and Fram H-Nord are producing through the Fram infrastructure.Reservoir
Fram produces oil and associated gas from sandstone of Middle Jurassic age in the Brent Group, and from Upper Jurassic sandstone in a marine fan system in the Draupne Formation and the shallow marine Sognefjord Formation. The reservoirs have a gas cap and are in several isolated, rotated fault blocks at depths of 2300-2500 metres. The reservoir in Fram Vest is complex. The reservoirs in Fram Øst are generally of good quality.Recovery strategy
The Brent and Sognefjord reservoirs in Fram Øst are produced by pressure support from natural aquifer drive. Gas lift is used in the wells. The Fram Vest reservoir is produced by pressure depletion. Oil production from Fram is restricted by the gas processing capacity at the Troll C facility.Transport
The well stream is transported to the Troll C platform for processing. The oil is transported further through the Troll Oil Pipeline II to the Mongstad terminal, and the gas is exported via the Troll A platform to the Kollsnes terminal.Status
An extra gas module dedicated to Fram on the Troll C platform started operation in 2020. Production from the Fram area is optimised within the available capacities at Troll C. Active exploration is ongoing in the area.ACCRUED INVESTMENTS IN NOMINAL NOK
Source: Norwegian Offshore Directorate
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