
A field is one or several discoveries combined which the licensees have decided to develop, and for which the authorities have approved a plan for development and operation (PDO) or granted a PDO exemption.

Since production started in 1971, oil and gas have been produced from a total of 125 fields on the Norwegian shelf. At the end of 2024, 94 fields were in production: 69 in the North Sea, 23 in the Norwegian Sea and two in the Barents Sea. Two new fields started production in 2024.

Many of the producing fields are ageing, but some of them still have substantial remaining reserves. Moreover, the resource base in these fields increases when small discoveries in the area are tied into existing infrastructure.

Original and remaining reserves are given in million standard cubic metres of oil equivalents.

Print list Download table

Field name Area Status Disc. year Orig. res. Rem. res. Prod. start Operator
AASTA HANSTEEN Norwegian sea Producing 1997 69.12 22.45 16.12.2018 Equinor Energy AS
ALBUSKJELL North sea Shut down 1972 24.77 0.00 26.05.1979 ConocoPhillips Skandinavia AS
ALVE Norwegian sea Producing 1990 18.15 3.91 19.03.2009 Equinor Energy AS
ALVE NORD Norwegian sea Approved for production 2011 6.82 6.82 Aker BP ASA
ALVHEIM North sea Producing 1998 80.28 18.00 08.06.2008 Aker BP ASA
ATLA North sea Shut down 2010 1.76 0.00 07.10.2012
BALDER North sea Producing 1967 108.17 29.69 02.10.1999 Vår Energi ASA
BAUGE Norwegian sea Producing 2013 3.65 2.97 08.04.2023 Equinor Energy AS
BERLING Norwegian sea Approved for production 2018 7.34 7.34 OMV (Norge) AS
BESTLA North sea Approved for production 2016 3.78 3.78 OKEA ASA
BLANE North sea Producing 1989 1.73 0.03 12.09.2007 Repsol Norge AS
BRAGE North sea Producing 1980 70.81 2.04 23.09.1993 OKEA ASA
BREIDABLIKK North sea Producing 1992 30.46 26.79 20.10.2023 Equinor Energy AS
BRYNHILD North sea Shut down 1992 0.49 0.00 24.12.2014
BYRDING North sea Producing 2005 1.55 0.13 12.07.2017 Equinor Energy AS
BØYLA North sea Producing 2009 6.42 2.34 19.01.2015 Aker BP ASA
COD North sea Shut down 1968 11.15 0.00 26.12.1977
DRAUGEN Norwegian sea Producing 1984 164.00 10.68 19.10.1993 OKEA ASA
DUVA North sea Producing 2016 9.57 3.92 22.08.2021 Vår Energi ASA
DVALIN Norwegian sea Producing 2010 32.44 28.93 23.11.2020 Harbour Energy Norge AS
EDDA North sea Shut down 1972 7.19 0.00 02.12.1979 ConocoPhillips Skandinavia AS
EDVARD GRIEG North sea Producing 2007 62.87 14.75 28.11.2015 Aker BP ASA
EIRIN North sea Approved for production 1978 3.99 3.98 Equinor Energy AS
EKOFISK North sea Producing 1969 709.22 25.07 15.06.1971 ConocoPhillips Skandinavia AS
ELDFISK North sea Producing 1970 211.83 31.30 08.08.1979 ConocoPhillips Skandinavia AS
EMBLA North sea Producing 1988 19.53 0.65 12.05.1993 ConocoPhillips Skandinavia AS
ENOCH North sea Producing 0.37 0.01 31.05.2007
FENJA Norwegian sea Producing 2014 9.49 7.72 28.04.2023 Vår Energi ASA
FENRIS North sea Approved for production 2012 25.34 25.34 Aker BP ASA
FLYNDRE North sea Shut down 1974 0.09 0.00 26.03.2017
FRAM North sea Producing 1990 65.84 8.12 02.10.2003 Equinor Energy AS
FRAM H-NORD North sea Producing 2007 0.65 0.00 06.09.2014 Equinor Energy AS
FRIGG North sea Shut down 1971 116.66 0.00 13.09.1977
FRØY North sea Shut down 1987 7.26 0.00 15.05.1995 Aker BP ASA
FULLA North sea Approved for production 2009 11.16 11.16 Aker BP ASA
GAUPE North sea Shut down 1985 0.76 0.00 31.03.2012
GIMLE North sea Producing 2004 4.93 0.60 19.05.2006 Equinor Energy AS
GINA KROG North sea Producing 1978 30.22 9.19 30.06.2017 Equinor Energy AS
GJØA North sea Producing 1989 80.20 5.39 07.11.2010 Vår Energi ASA
GLITNE North sea Shut down 1995 8.88 0.00 29.08.2001 Equinor Energy AS
GOLIAT Barents sea Producing 2000 31.26 10.73 12.03.2016 Vår Energi ASA
GRANE North sea Producing 1991 151.90 14.51 23.09.2003 Equinor Energy AS
GUDRUN North sea Producing 1975 49.70 11.50 07.04.2014 Equinor Energy AS
GULLFAKS North sea Producing 1978 419.89 12.35 22.12.1986 Equinor Energy AS
GULLFAKS SØR North sea Producing 1978 197.51 25.95 10.10.1998 Equinor Energy AS
GUNGNE North sea Producing 1982 25.42 0.26 21.04.1996 Equinor Energy AS
GYDA North sea Shut down 1980 46.10 0.00 21.06.1990
HALTEN ØST Norwegian sea Producing 2001 15.47 15.47 14.03.2025 Equinor Energy AS
HANZ North sea Producing 1997 1.35 0.96 20.04.2024 Aker BP ASA
HEIDRUN Norwegian sea Producing 1985 262.52 52.50 18.10.1995 Equinor Energy AS
HEIMDAL North sea Shut down 1972 52.86 0.00 13.12.1985
HOD North sea Producing 1974 19.34 5.22 30.09.1990 Aker BP ASA
HUGIN North sea Approved for production 1986 38.13 38.13 Aker BP ASA
HULDRA North sea Shut down 1982 22.66 0.00 21.11.2001 Equinor Energy AS
HYME Norwegian sea Producing 2009 4.64 1.59 02.03.2013 Equinor Energy AS
IDUN NORD Norwegian sea Approved for production 2009 3.34 3.34 Aker BP ASA
IRPA Norwegian sea Approved for production 2009 21.93 21.93 Equinor Energy AS
ISLAY North sea Producing 0.11 0.00 10.04.2012
IVAR AASEN North sea Producing 2008 28.36 6.27 24.12.2016 Aker BP ASA
JETTE North sea Shut down 2009 0.43 0.00 20.05.2013
JOHAN CASTBERG Barents sea Approved for production 2011 88.97 88.97 Equinor Energy AS
JOHAN SVERDRUP North sea Producing 2010 410.42 232.06 05.10.2019 Equinor Energy AS
JOTUN North sea Shut down 1994 24.02 0.00 25.10.1999 Vår Energi ASA
KNARR North sea Shut down 2008 11.23 0.00 16.03.2015
KRISTIN Norwegian sea Producing 1997 80.08 13.18 03.11.2005 Equinor Energy AS
KVITEBJØRN North sea Producing 1994 152.55 11.19 26.09.2004 Equinor Energy AS
LILLE-FRIGG North sea Shut down 1975 3.53 0.00 13.05.1994 Aker BP ASA
MARIA Norwegian sea Producing 2010 18.17 10.77 16.12.2017 Harbour Energy Norge AS
MARTIN LINGE North sea Producing 1978 30.75 17.60 30.06.2021 Equinor Energy AS
MARULK Norwegian sea Producing 1992 11.46 0.68 02.04.2012 DNO Norge AS
MIKKEL Norwegian sea Producing 1987 56.22 3.34 01.08.2003 Equinor Energy AS
MIME North sea Shut down 1982 0.47 0.00 01.01.1993
MORVIN Norwegian sea Producing 2001 14.35 0.18 01.08.2010 Equinor Energy AS
MUNIN North sea Approved for production 2011 48.40 48.40 Aker BP ASA
MURCHISON North sea Shut down 14.81 0.00 28.09.1980
NJORD Norwegian sea Producing 1986 67.51 24.55 30.09.1997 Equinor Energy AS
NORDØST FRIGG North sea Shut down 1974 11.68 0.00 01.12.1983
NORNE Norwegian sea Producing 1992 108.39 0.95 06.11.1997 Equinor Energy AS
NOVA North sea Producing 2012 8.56 5.02 29.07.2022 Harbour Energy Norge AS
ODA North sea Producing 2011 5.15 0.27 16.03.2019 Aker BP ASA
ODIN North sea Shut down 1974 27.48 0.00 01.04.1984
ORMEN LANGE Norwegian sea Producing 1997 351.16 68.12 13.09.2007 A/S Norske Shell
OSEBERG North sea Producing 1979 573.26 61.97 01.12.1988 Equinor Energy AS
OSEBERG SØR North sea Producing 1984 104.20 22.93 05.02.2000 Equinor Energy AS
OSEBERG ØST North sea Producing 1981 24.92 0.49 03.05.1999 Equinor Energy AS
OSELVAR North sea Shut down 1991 1.11 0.00 14.04.2012
REV North sea Producing 2001 3.68 0.04 24.01.2009 Repsol Norge AS
RINGHORNE ØST North sea Producing 2003 14.36 0.79 19.03.2006 Vår Energi ASA
SIGYN North sea Producing 1982 20.94 1.15 22.12.2002 Equinor Energy AS
SINDRE North sea Producing 2017 26.05.2017 Equinor Energy AS
SKARV Norwegian sea Producing 1998 110.93 27.85 01.01.2013 Aker BP ASA
SKIRNE North sea Shut down 1990 13.19 0.00 03.03.2004
SKOGUL North sea Producing 2010 2.43 0.95 11.03.2020 Aker BP ASA
SKULD Norwegian sea Producing 2008 6.11 0.83 19.03.2013 Equinor Energy AS
SLEIPNER VEST North sea Producing 1974 214.99 9.29 29.08.1996 Equinor Energy AS
SLEIPNER ØST North sea Producing 1981 121.87 0.11 24.08.1993 Equinor Energy AS
SNORRE North sea Producing 1979 337.41 74.64 03.08.1992 Equinor Energy AS
SNØHVIT Barents sea Producing 1984 252.68 154.14 21.08.2007 Equinor Energy AS
SOLVEIG North sea Producing 2013 17.12 13.80 29.09.2021 Aker BP ASA
STATFJORD North sea Producing 1974 717.63 14.01 24.11.1979 Equinor Energy AS
STATFJORD NORD North sea Producing 1977 48.66 3.58 23.01.1995 Equinor Energy AS
STATFJORD ØST North sea Producing 1976 50.41 3.04 24.09.1994 Equinor Energy AS
SVALIN North sea Producing 1992 11.73 3.65 24.03.2014 Equinor Energy AS
SYGNA North sea Producing 1996 11.52 0.34 01.08.2000 Equinor Energy AS
SYMRA North sea Approved for production 2018 10.00 10.00 Aker BP ASA
TAMBAR North sea Producing 1983 15.28 0.48 15.07.2001 Aker BP ASA
TAMBAR ØST North sea Producing 2007 1.20 0.81 02.10.2007 Aker BP ASA
TOMMELITEN A North sea Producing 1977 26.46 24.02 13.10.2023 ConocoPhillips Skandinavia AS
TOMMELITEN GAMMA North sea Shut down 1978 14.65 0.00 03.10.1988 ConocoPhillips Skandinavia AS
TOR North sea Producing 1970 43.58 2.88 03.12.2020 ConocoPhillips Skandinavia AS
TORDIS North sea Producing 1987 81.19 6.26 03.06.1994 Equinor Energy AS
TRESTAKK Norwegian sea Producing 1986 10.86 5.99 16.07.2019 Equinor Energy AS
TROLL North sea Producing 1979 1778.00 582.22 19.09.1995 Equinor Energy AS
TROLL BRENT B North sea Shut down 2005 0.00 0.00 Equinor Energy AS
TRYM North sea Producing 1990 5.93 0.53 12.02.2011 DNO Norge AS
TUNE North sea Producing 1995 22.81 0.11 28.11.2002 Equinor Energy AS
TYRIHANS Norwegian sea Producing 1983 99.10 26.35 08.07.2009 Equinor Energy AS
TYRVING North sea Producing 1973 4.26 3.92 02.09.2024 Aker BP ASA
ULA North sea Producing 1976 87.72 0.73 06.10.1986 Aker BP ASA
URD Norwegian sea Producing 2000 9.30 0.91 08.11.2005 Equinor Energy AS
UTGARD North sea Producing 1982 3.26 0.97 16.09.2019 Equinor Energy AS
VALE North sea Shut down 1991 5.33 0.00 31.05.2002
VALEMON North sea Producing 1985 17.57 1.35 03.01.2015 Equinor Energy AS
VALHALL North sea Producing 1975 198.18 34.70 01.10.1982 Aker BP ASA
VARG North sea Shut down 1984 16.69 0.00 22.12.1998
VEGA North sea Producing 1981 47.76 8.87 02.12.2010 Harbour Energy Norge AS
VERDANDE Norwegian sea Approved for production 2017 5.68 5.68 Equinor Energy AS
VESLEFRIKK North sea Shut down 1981 62.97 0.00 26.12.1989 Equinor Energy AS
VEST EKOFISK North sea Shut down 1970 40.84 0.00 31.05.1977 ConocoPhillips Skandinavia AS
VIGDIS North sea Producing 1986 80.19 6.83 28.01.1997 Equinor Energy AS
VILJE North sea Producing 2003 14.78 1.01 01.08.2008 Aker BP ASA
VISUND North sea Producing 1986 127.89 29.73 21.04.1999 Equinor Energy AS
VISUND SØR North sea Producing 2008 11.28 1.39 22.11.2012 Equinor Energy AS
VOLUND North sea Producing 1994 14.43 0.91 10.09.2009 Aker BP ASA
VOLVE North sea Shut down 1993 11.38 0.00 12.02.2008 Aker BP ASA
YME North sea Producing 1987 14.77 3.98 25.10.2021 Repsol Norge AS
YTTERGRYTA Norwegian sea Shut down 2007 2.75 0.00 05.01.2009 Equinor Energy AS
ÅSGARD Norwegian sea Producing 1981 453.66 38.96 19.05.1999 Equinor Energy AS
ÆRFUGL NORD Norwegian sea Producing 2012 2.80 0.11 05.11.2021 Aker BP ASA
ØRN Norwegian sea Approved for production 2019 8.82 8.82 Aker BP ASA
ØST FRIGG North sea Shut down 1973 9.29 0.00 01.10.1988 Aker BP ASA