A field is one or several discoveries combined which the licensees have decided to develop, and for which the authorities have approved a plan for development and operation (PDO) or granted a PDO exemption.
Since production started in 1971, oil and gas have been produced from a total of 125 fields on the Norwegian shelf. At the end of 2024, 94 fields were in production: 69 in the North Sea, 23 in the Norwegian Sea and two in the Barents Sea. Two new fields started production in 2024.
Many of the producing fields are ageing, but some of them still have substantial remaining reserves. Moreover, the resource base in these fields increases when small discoveries in the area are tied into existing infrastructure.
Original and remaining reserves are given in million standard cubic metres of oil equivalents.
Field name | Area | Status | Disc. year | Orig. res. | Rem. res. | Prod. start | Operator |
AASTA HANSTEEN | Norwegian sea | Producing | 1997 | 69.12 | 22.45 | 16.12.2018 | Equinor Energy AS |
ALBUSKJELL | North sea | Shut down | 1972 | 24.77 | 0.00 | 26.05.1979 | ConocoPhillips Skandinavia AS |
ALVE | Norwegian sea | Producing | 1990 | 18.15 | 3.91 | 19.03.2009 | Equinor Energy AS |
ALVE NORD | Norwegian sea | Approved for production | 2011 | 6.82 | 6.82 | Aker BP ASA | |
ALVHEIM | North sea | Producing | 1998 | 80.28 | 18.00 | 08.06.2008 | Aker BP ASA |
ATLA | North sea | Shut down | 2010 | 1.76 | 0.00 | 07.10.2012 | |
BALDER | North sea | Producing | 1967 | 108.17 | 29.69 | 02.10.1999 | Vår Energi ASA |
BAUGE | Norwegian sea | Producing | 2013 | 3.65 | 2.97 | 08.04.2023 | Equinor Energy AS |
BERLING | Norwegian sea | Approved for production | 2018 | 7.34 | 7.34 | OMV (Norge) AS | |
BESTLA | North sea | Approved for production | 2016 | 3.78 | 3.78 | OKEA ASA | |
BLANE | North sea | Producing | 1989 | 1.73 | 0.03 | 12.09.2007 | Repsol Norge AS |
BRAGE | North sea | Producing | 1980 | 70.81 | 2.04 | 23.09.1993 | OKEA ASA |
BREIDABLIKK | North sea | Producing | 1992 | 30.46 | 26.79 | 20.10.2023 | Equinor Energy AS |
BRYNHILD | North sea | Shut down | 1992 | 0.49 | 0.00 | 24.12.2014 | |
BYRDING | North sea | Producing | 2005 | 1.55 | 0.13 | 12.07.2017 | Equinor Energy AS |
BØYLA | North sea | Producing | 2009 | 6.42 | 2.34 | 19.01.2015 | Aker BP ASA |
COD | North sea | Shut down | 1968 | 11.15 | 0.00 | 26.12.1977 | |
DRAUGEN | Norwegian sea | Producing | 1984 | 164.00 | 10.68 | 19.10.1993 | OKEA ASA |
DUVA | North sea | Producing | 2016 | 9.57 | 3.92 | 22.08.2021 | Vår Energi ASA |
DVALIN | Norwegian sea | Producing | 2010 | 32.44 | 28.93 | 23.11.2020 | Harbour Energy Norge AS |
EDDA | North sea | Shut down | 1972 | 7.19 | 0.00 | 02.12.1979 | ConocoPhillips Skandinavia AS |
EDVARD GRIEG | North sea | Producing | 2007 | 62.87 | 14.75 | 28.11.2015 | Aker BP ASA |
EIRIN | North sea | Approved for production | 1978 | 3.99 | 3.98 | Equinor Energy AS | |
EKOFISK | North sea | Producing | 1969 | 709.22 | 25.07 | 15.06.1971 | ConocoPhillips Skandinavia AS |
ELDFISK | North sea | Producing | 1970 | 211.83 | 31.30 | 08.08.1979 | ConocoPhillips Skandinavia AS |
EMBLA | North sea | Producing | 1988 | 19.53 | 0.65 | 12.05.1993 | ConocoPhillips Skandinavia AS |
ENOCH | North sea | Producing | 0.37 | 0.01 | 31.05.2007 | ||
FENJA | Norwegian sea | Producing | 2014 | 9.49 | 7.72 | 28.04.2023 | Vår Energi ASA |
FENRIS | North sea | Approved for production | 2012 | 25.34 | 25.34 | Aker BP ASA | |
FLYNDRE | North sea | Shut down | 1974 | 0.09 | 0.00 | 26.03.2017 | |
FRAM | North sea | Producing | 1990 | 65.84 | 8.12 | 02.10.2003 | Equinor Energy AS |
FRAM H-NORD | North sea | Producing | 2007 | 0.65 | 0.00 | 06.09.2014 | Equinor Energy AS |
FRIGG | North sea | Shut down | 1971 | 116.66 | 0.00 | 13.09.1977 | |
FRØY | North sea | Shut down | 1987 | 7.26 | 0.00 | 15.05.1995 | Aker BP ASA |
FULLA | North sea | Approved for production | 2009 | 11.16 | 11.16 | Aker BP ASA | |
GAUPE | North sea | Shut down | 1985 | 0.76 | 0.00 | 31.03.2012 | |
GIMLE | North sea | Producing | 2004 | 4.93 | 0.60 | 19.05.2006 | Equinor Energy AS |
GINA KROG | North sea | Producing | 1978 | 30.22 | 9.19 | 30.06.2017 | Equinor Energy AS |
GJØA | North sea | Producing | 1989 | 80.20 | 5.39 | 07.11.2010 | Vår Energi ASA |
GLITNE | North sea | Shut down | 1995 | 8.88 | 0.00 | 29.08.2001 | Equinor Energy AS |
GOLIAT | Barents sea | Producing | 2000 | 31.26 | 10.73 | 12.03.2016 | Vår Energi ASA |
GRANE | North sea | Producing | 1991 | 151.90 | 14.51 | 23.09.2003 | Equinor Energy AS |
GUDRUN | North sea | Producing | 1975 | 49.70 | 11.50 | 07.04.2014 | Equinor Energy AS |
GULLFAKS | North sea | Producing | 1978 | 419.89 | 12.35 | 22.12.1986 | Equinor Energy AS |
GULLFAKS SØR | North sea | Producing | 1978 | 197.51 | 25.95 | 10.10.1998 | Equinor Energy AS |
GUNGNE | North sea | Producing | 1982 | 25.42 | 0.26 | 21.04.1996 | Equinor Energy AS |
GYDA | North sea | Shut down | 1980 | 46.10 | 0.00 | 21.06.1990 | |
HALTEN ØST | Norwegian sea | Producing | 2001 | 15.47 | 15.47 | 14.03.2025 | Equinor Energy AS |
HANZ | North sea | Producing | 1997 | 1.35 | 0.96 | 20.04.2024 | Aker BP ASA |
HEIDRUN | Norwegian sea | Producing | 1985 | 262.52 | 52.50 | 18.10.1995 | Equinor Energy AS |
HEIMDAL | North sea | Shut down | 1972 | 52.86 | 0.00 | 13.12.1985 | |
HOD | North sea | Producing | 1974 | 19.34 | 5.22 | 30.09.1990 | Aker BP ASA |
HUGIN | North sea | Approved for production | 1986 | 38.13 | 38.13 | Aker BP ASA | |
HULDRA | North sea | Shut down | 1982 | 22.66 | 0.00 | 21.11.2001 | Equinor Energy AS |
HYME | Norwegian sea | Producing | 2009 | 4.64 | 1.59 | 02.03.2013 | Equinor Energy AS |
IDUN NORD | Norwegian sea | Approved for production | 2009 | 3.34 | 3.34 | Aker BP ASA | |
IRPA | Norwegian sea | Approved for production | 2009 | 21.93 | 21.93 | Equinor Energy AS | |
ISLAY | North sea | Producing | 0.11 | 0.00 | 10.04.2012 | ||
IVAR AASEN | North sea | Producing | 2008 | 28.36 | 6.27 | 24.12.2016 | Aker BP ASA |
JETTE | North sea | Shut down | 2009 | 0.43 | 0.00 | 20.05.2013 | |
JOHAN CASTBERG | Barents sea | Approved for production | 2011 | 88.97 | 88.97 | Equinor Energy AS | |
JOHAN SVERDRUP | North sea | Producing | 2010 | 410.42 | 232.06 | 05.10.2019 | Equinor Energy AS |
JOTUN | North sea | Shut down | 1994 | 24.02 | 0.00 | 25.10.1999 | Vår Energi ASA |
KNARR | North sea | Shut down | 2008 | 11.23 | 0.00 | 16.03.2015 | |
KRISTIN | Norwegian sea | Producing | 1997 | 80.08 | 13.18 | 03.11.2005 | Equinor Energy AS |
KVITEBJØRN | North sea | Producing | 1994 | 152.55 | 11.19 | 26.09.2004 | Equinor Energy AS |
LILLE-FRIGG | North sea | Shut down | 1975 | 3.53 | 0.00 | 13.05.1994 | Aker BP ASA |
MARIA | Norwegian sea | Producing | 2010 | 18.17 | 10.77 | 16.12.2017 | Harbour Energy Norge AS |
MARTIN LINGE | North sea | Producing | 1978 | 30.75 | 17.60 | 30.06.2021 | Equinor Energy AS |
MARULK | Norwegian sea | Producing | 1992 | 11.46 | 0.68 | 02.04.2012 | DNO Norge AS |
MIKKEL | Norwegian sea | Producing | 1987 | 56.22 | 3.34 | 01.08.2003 | Equinor Energy AS |
MIME | North sea | Shut down | 1982 | 0.47 | 0.00 | 01.01.1993 | |
MORVIN | Norwegian sea | Producing | 2001 | 14.35 | 0.18 | 01.08.2010 | Equinor Energy AS |
MUNIN | North sea | Approved for production | 2011 | 48.40 | 48.40 | Aker BP ASA | |
MURCHISON | North sea | Shut down | 14.81 | 0.00 | 28.09.1980 | ||
NJORD | Norwegian sea | Producing | 1986 | 67.51 | 24.55 | 30.09.1997 | Equinor Energy AS |
NORDØST FRIGG | North sea | Shut down | 1974 | 11.68 | 0.00 | 01.12.1983 | |
NORNE | Norwegian sea | Producing | 1992 | 108.39 | 0.95 | 06.11.1997 | Equinor Energy AS |
NOVA | North sea | Producing | 2012 | 8.56 | 5.02 | 29.07.2022 | Harbour Energy Norge AS |
ODA | North sea | Producing | 2011 | 5.15 | 0.27 | 16.03.2019 | Aker BP ASA |
ODIN | North sea | Shut down | 1974 | 27.48 | 0.00 | 01.04.1984 | |
ORMEN LANGE | Norwegian sea | Producing | 1997 | 351.16 | 68.12 | 13.09.2007 | A/S Norske Shell |
OSEBERG | North sea | Producing | 1979 | 573.26 | 61.97 | 01.12.1988 | Equinor Energy AS |
OSEBERG SØR | North sea | Producing | 1984 | 104.20 | 22.93 | 05.02.2000 | Equinor Energy AS |
OSEBERG ØST | North sea | Producing | 1981 | 24.92 | 0.49 | 03.05.1999 | Equinor Energy AS |
OSELVAR | North sea | Shut down | 1991 | 1.11 | 0.00 | 14.04.2012 | |
REV | North sea | Producing | 2001 | 3.68 | 0.04 | 24.01.2009 | Repsol Norge AS |
RINGHORNE ØST | North sea | Producing | 2003 | 14.36 | 0.79 | 19.03.2006 | Vår Energi ASA |
SIGYN | North sea | Producing | 1982 | 20.94 | 1.15 | 22.12.2002 | Equinor Energy AS |
SINDRE | North sea | Producing | 2017 | 26.05.2017 | Equinor Energy AS | ||
SKARV | Norwegian sea | Producing | 1998 | 110.93 | 27.85 | 01.01.2013 | Aker BP ASA |
SKIRNE | North sea | Shut down | 1990 | 13.19 | 0.00 | 03.03.2004 | |
SKOGUL | North sea | Producing | 2010 | 2.43 | 0.95 | 11.03.2020 | Aker BP ASA |
SKULD | Norwegian sea | Producing | 2008 | 6.11 | 0.83 | 19.03.2013 | Equinor Energy AS |
SLEIPNER VEST | North sea | Producing | 1974 | 214.99 | 9.29 | 29.08.1996 | Equinor Energy AS |
SLEIPNER ØST | North sea | Producing | 1981 | 121.87 | 0.11 | 24.08.1993 | Equinor Energy AS |
SNORRE | North sea | Producing | 1979 | 337.41 | 74.64 | 03.08.1992 | Equinor Energy AS |
SNØHVIT | Barents sea | Producing | 1984 | 252.68 | 154.14 | 21.08.2007 | Equinor Energy AS |
SOLVEIG | North sea | Producing | 2013 | 17.12 | 13.80 | 29.09.2021 | Aker BP ASA |
STATFJORD | North sea | Producing | 1974 | 717.63 | 14.01 | 24.11.1979 | Equinor Energy AS |
STATFJORD NORD | North sea | Producing | 1977 | 48.66 | 3.58 | 23.01.1995 | Equinor Energy AS |
STATFJORD ØST | North sea | Producing | 1976 | 50.41 | 3.04 | 24.09.1994 | Equinor Energy AS |
SVALIN | North sea | Producing | 1992 | 11.73 | 3.65 | 24.03.2014 | Equinor Energy AS |
SYGNA | North sea | Producing | 1996 | 11.52 | 0.34 | 01.08.2000 | Equinor Energy AS |
SYMRA | North sea | Approved for production | 2018 | 10.00 | 10.00 | Aker BP ASA | |
TAMBAR | North sea | Producing | 1983 | 15.28 | 0.48 | 15.07.2001 | Aker BP ASA |
TAMBAR ØST | North sea | Producing | 2007 | 1.20 | 0.81 | 02.10.2007 | Aker BP ASA |
TOMMELITEN A | North sea | Producing | 1977 | 26.46 | 24.02 | 13.10.2023 | ConocoPhillips Skandinavia AS |
TOMMELITEN GAMMA | North sea | Shut down | 1978 | 14.65 | 0.00 | 03.10.1988 | ConocoPhillips Skandinavia AS |
TOR | North sea | Producing | 1970 | 43.58 | 2.88 | 03.12.2020 | ConocoPhillips Skandinavia AS |
TORDIS | North sea | Producing | 1987 | 81.19 | 6.26 | 03.06.1994 | Equinor Energy AS |
TRESTAKK | Norwegian sea | Producing | 1986 | 10.86 | 5.99 | 16.07.2019 | Equinor Energy AS |
TROLL | North sea | Producing | 1979 | 1778.00 | 582.22 | 19.09.1995 | Equinor Energy AS |
TROLL BRENT B | North sea | Shut down | 2005 | 0.00 | 0.00 | Equinor Energy AS | |
TRYM | North sea | Producing | 1990 | 5.93 | 0.53 | 12.02.2011 | DNO Norge AS |
TUNE | North sea | Producing | 1995 | 22.81 | 0.11 | 28.11.2002 | Equinor Energy AS |
TYRIHANS | Norwegian sea | Producing | 1983 | 99.10 | 26.35 | 08.07.2009 | Equinor Energy AS |
TYRVING | North sea | Producing | 1973 | 4.26 | 3.92 | 02.09.2024 | Aker BP ASA |
ULA | North sea | Producing | 1976 | 87.72 | 0.73 | 06.10.1986 | Aker BP ASA |
URD | Norwegian sea | Producing | 2000 | 9.30 | 0.91 | 08.11.2005 | Equinor Energy AS |
UTGARD | North sea | Producing | 1982 | 3.26 | 0.97 | 16.09.2019 | Equinor Energy AS |
VALE | North sea | Shut down | 1991 | 5.33 | 0.00 | 31.05.2002 | |
VALEMON | North sea | Producing | 1985 | 17.57 | 1.35 | 03.01.2015 | Equinor Energy AS |
VALHALL | North sea | Producing | 1975 | 198.18 | 34.70 | 01.10.1982 | Aker BP ASA |
VARG | North sea | Shut down | 1984 | 16.69 | 0.00 | 22.12.1998 | |
VEGA | North sea | Producing | 1981 | 47.76 | 8.87 | 02.12.2010 | Harbour Energy Norge AS |
VERDANDE | Norwegian sea | Approved for production | 2017 | 5.68 | 5.68 | Equinor Energy AS | |
VESLEFRIKK | North sea | Shut down | 1981 | 62.97 | 0.00 | 26.12.1989 | Equinor Energy AS |
VEST EKOFISK | North sea | Shut down | 1970 | 40.84 | 0.00 | 31.05.1977 | ConocoPhillips Skandinavia AS |
VIGDIS | North sea | Producing | 1986 | 80.19 | 6.83 | 28.01.1997 | Equinor Energy AS |
VILJE | North sea | Producing | 2003 | 14.78 | 1.01 | 01.08.2008 | Aker BP ASA |
VISUND | North sea | Producing | 1986 | 127.89 | 29.73 | 21.04.1999 | Equinor Energy AS |
VISUND SØR | North sea | Producing | 2008 | 11.28 | 1.39 | 22.11.2012 | Equinor Energy AS |
VOLUND | North sea | Producing | 1994 | 14.43 | 0.91 | 10.09.2009 | Aker BP ASA |
VOLVE | North sea | Shut down | 1993 | 11.38 | 0.00 | 12.02.2008 | Aker BP ASA |
YME | North sea | Producing | 1987 | 14.77 | 3.98 | 25.10.2021 | Repsol Norge AS |
YTTERGRYTA | Norwegian sea | Shut down | 2007 | 2.75 | 0.00 | 05.01.2009 | Equinor Energy AS |
ÅSGARD | Norwegian sea | Producing | 1981 | 453.66 | 38.96 | 19.05.1999 | Equinor Energy AS |
ÆRFUGL NORD | Norwegian sea | Producing | 2012 | 2.80 | 0.11 | 05.11.2021 | Aker BP ASA |
ØRN | Norwegian sea | Approved for production | 2019 | 8.82 | 8.82 | Aker BP ASA | |
ØST FRIGG | North sea | Shut down | 1973 | 9.29 | 0.00 | 01.10.1988 | Aker BP ASA |